Jeddito School Rules
General School Procedures
- Be courteous, honest, and kind.
- Use quiet voices in the building.
- Respect self and others.
- Follow directions the first time they are given.
- Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
- Use appropriate language at all times.
- Respect school and personal property.
- Leave snacks and personal property at home.
- Always walk quietly and use hall passes.
Cafeteria Procedures
- Politely wait your turn.
- Use quiet voices.
- Clean up all spills.
- Line up appropriately.
Restroom Procedures
- Use assigned restrooms.
- Use facilities properly.
- Report any damage or vandalism.
Playground Procedures
- Be safe and cautious.
- Use playground equipment properly.
- Slide feet first on the slide.
- Wait at the bottom of the ladder until the other person has taken his/her turn.
- Put only your body on the slide.
- Always look before you walk in front of equipment.
- Do not throw rocks, snowballs, or other objects that may cause harm.
- No play fighting, pushing, and/or shoving.
- Leave tire shreds on the ground.
- Do not climb on top of the equipment.
- Take turns on all equipment.
Bus Procedures
- Students sit in assigned seats.
- Remain seated while the bus is in motion.
- Be courteous.
- Do not use profanity.
- Food and drink are prohibited.
- Keep the bus clean.
- Violence is prohibited.
- No smoking.
- Keep your hands and feet inside the bus.
- Do not destroy property.
- Do not distract the driver through misbehavior.
- Follow school rules while on bus.