Bus Routes
Transportation Bus Routing Information: (928) 396-0009
News Flash - Hello Parents for a New Bus Schedule Click on link - Bus Schedule
Transportation Office (928) 396-0009
Email: transportation@cedarusd.org (Email for bus passes)
After hours phone (928) 889-8919 (Listen to voicemail for important information)
v Route #1
(Green Fish)
Route: North Beshbitoh, Steamboat, The Q’s.
Driver: Ms. Gishal
v Route #2
(Blue Duck)
Route: Shongopovi, Polacca, Keams Canyon, Sage area, The Pete’s.
Driver: Ms. Gonnie
v Route #3
(Green Squirrel)
Route: Sand springs, Sitting rock, Gap, Skunk springs, Upper Jeddito, East of JPS.
Driver: Mr. Salabye
v Route #4
(Red Rabbit)
Route: White cone, Black Cedar Hill, Toyei Loop, High Country, Jeddito NHA & Townhomes.
Driver: Mr. Bahe
Bus Evacuation Drill
v Upcoming: October 24, 2024 and April 24, 2025.
Telephone #’s
Transportation Office ---Ext. 1031
Transportation After hours ---(928) 882-8919
Mr. Begay---Transportation Supervisor Ext. 1030
Mr. Charley---Mechanic Ext. 1032
Mr. Salabye---Trainer Ext. 1031
Mr. Miller---Security Ext. 1007
Security After hours ---(928) 882-8918
It is the intent of the school district to provide a safe transportation experience. To achieve this everyone needs to do their part. Keep in mind the right to ride the school bus is a privilege extended to students through Board policy, and that failure to follow District bus rules may result in a loss of the privilege.
School Bus Rules
Follow all directions given by the Bus Driver
No Food and Drinks
No Bullying
Be on time at the bus stops
Stay in your seat
Keep the bus clean
Don’t scream or shout
No changing buses without a pass
No destruction of school property
No weapons, tobacco or drugs
Keep head and arm inside the bus
No throwing objects on/off the bus
- Dangerous items/weapons
- Glass
- Animals
- Insects
- Tobacco