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Cedar Unified School District Statement of Meeting Notice
Please take notice that pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.02, the Governing Board of the Cedar Unified School District hereby states that all notices and agendas of their meetings will be posted at the following locations:
1. Cedar Unified School District Office: Jeddito School Campus
2. Cedar Unified School District Homepage at:
The respective notices and agendas will be available to the public at such locations not less than 24 hours prior to a meeting, unless the meeting covers an emergency as provided in A.RS. §38-431.02.
Such notices will indicate the date, time and place of the meeting and will include an agenda or information concerning the manner in which the public may obtain an agenda for the meeting.
Regular meetings are generally held on the second Tuesday of each month. Unless otherwise specified, the meetings are held in Room D-4 at Jeddito School, and begin at 5:30 p.m.
Executive sessions may be held by the Governing Board as provided in A.R.S. §38-431.03. Notice of executive sessions will also be posted at the posting place.
The Governing Body reserves the right to hold special meetings at times and places other than mentioned above. Notice of time and place of any special meeting will be posted at the posting place.
Dated this 10th day of January 2023.