Business & Finance
The Cedar Unified Business Department strives to provide our employees, vendors, and community members with whatever help they need. We are dedicated to providing value to the district and community through good customer service to the schools by answering financial questions and by making sure we meet our district fiscal responsibilities.
Cedar Unified School District values its good vendor relationships. We make every effort to help vendors obtain the information they need to respond to our Requests for Proposals (RFPs). We will help vendors stay informed by posting current RFPs on this page as they become available, and we encourage interested vendors to check back frequently for open RFPs. We also encourage those interested in being placed on our vendor list to contact us.
Budget Summaries
Bid Notices
Request for Quotes
Business Office Staff
The Business Department is happy to help you with any of your district financial questions. Just contact the appropriate individual below to get answers to your questions: